Implementing Industrial Robot Preventative Maintenance in 2019

The importance of regular preventative maintenance for industrial robots is critical. When robots in your facility are properly maintained from a mechanical perspective, they’re effective lifespan is greatly extended. Not only does this improve the return on investment (ROI) on automation equipment but helps ensure accurate and consistent performance on a daily basis.
Robots with regular preventative maintenance (PM) break down less often, meaning more uptime for your business, far lower repair costs, and more predictable production schedules. The benefits of preventative maintenance are numerous. As 2019 gets underway, now is the time for robot users to implement maintenance routines for industrial robots to maximize productivity.
Creating a Clear Industrial Robot PM Plan
Preventative Maintenance must be rigidly planned, scheduled and implemented to ensure agreed upon services are completed, specific goals are achieved, and results are realized on an ongoing basis. Robot users will have to coordinate with a robot systems integrator to establish a regular routine for maintenance.
This high-level plan may include:
- 1) intelligent inventory strategy for all robotic components
- 2) established workflow for all maintenance items
- 3) who’s responsible for completing each task
- 4) a method for monitoring the performance of the robot on an ongoing basis
Preventative Maintenance Items for Industrial Robots
When developing a preventative maintenance plan, it’s vital to identify the exact maintenance items to be completed. For example, a grease analysis will be an important part of maintenance routines to help control friction, vibrations, and heat to extend robot service life. This type of analysis can also inform robot users when it’s time to order spare parts and gives a glimpse into the health of the robot.
Other maintenance items may include:
- 1) backing up the controller memory
- 2) monitoring robot motion
- 3) inspecting brake operations
- 4) checking robot repeatability
- 5) ensuring cable connections are functional
- 6) cleaning vents, and/or replacing controller batteries
The type of maintenance items completed depend on your specific robotic system and can be determined in conjunction with a robot integrator.
Preventative maintenance routines for industrial robots offer many different benefits for robot users. From extending the service life of robots to decreasing unscheduled downtime, regular maintenance contributes to higher productivity in nearly any operation.
To learn more on this subject, continue reading about Genesis Systems’ connected solutions for preventative maintenance of industrial robots for higher productivity.
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