Benefits of Industry 4.0 for Manufacturers

An innovative manufacturer is always on the lookout for an edge on the competition. Otherwise, they’ll end up being the business that falls behind. If you have production facilities that have invested in robotics, you know that improving your automation is a never-ending task. Industry 4.0 can bring exciting benefits to your existing equipment.
Manufacturers Reap the Benefits of Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 brings together information technology and manufacturing processes. Thanks to advances in robotics and automation, as well as data collection and artificial intelligence, the production line can be optimized to maximize efficiency and even be adjusted on the fly. You’ll be able to produce a higher quality product and enjoy some, if not all, of the following benefits.
Benefit #1: Be More Competitive
You don’t have to work in the manufacturing business for long to see how competitive it is. Whether you win or lose a contract can come down to pennies per unit. Industry 4.0 leverages features like the Industrial Internet of Things to squeeze efficiency out of your processes and save on materials. Asset management and tracking help protect loss.
Benefit #2: Maximize Your Productivity
Once you have an efficient process, it can be hard to squeeze out any more than nominal improvements. Often, the time you spend analyzing data to come up with changes doesn’t lead to the return on investment needed to justify the research or process changes. But with access to Big Data, Artificial Intelligence algorithms can find areas of improvement and update your production line instantly.
Benefit #3: Boost Your Profits
Industry 4.0 may help you cut costs to increase your profit margin. Thanks to sensors and controllers, the production line can automatically shut down machinery and lighting when it isn’t being used to help save energy, decrease maintenance costs, and increase lifespan. Smarter assembly lines let you deliver just-in-time inventory and cut down on warehousing.
Benefit 4: Build Better Processes
Improved processes help you increase throughput without sacrificing quality. With the growing labor shortage, equipment like self-driving vehicles (SDVs) can move through your plant and adjust routes based on both stored and real-time traffic data. Even if processes are altered, SDVs can adapt with a quick update or through artificial intelligence.
Want to learn how you can leverage the benefits of Industry 4.0 at your facility? Get help from Genesis Systems for all your Connected Solutions needs!
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